Huiji Honey Ondeh Ondeh Cake 蜜糖椰丝蛋糕

* in collaboration with Huiji Honey

I find this sponge cake recipe for my Huiji Honey Ondeh Ondeh Cake 蜜糖椰丝蛋糕 one of the simplest yet workable. When I make mousse cakes, I also adapt the sponge cake base recipes from this. I like its simplicity because there's no need for butter and milk. And requires no more than 10 minutes bake time. This time, I even replaced 6 tbsp sugar with 80 ml Huiji honey and it works just as good! Isn't that a healthier alternative to heavy sugar cakes? It's my first time using Huiji honey and I'm already in love with the subtle and pleasant flavour. I find the honey very easy to apply for cooking and baking!

To get the Ondeh Ondeh shape, I actually used a silicon egg shape mould this time. I reckon it's alright to use semi-round shape or petite cup cake moulds too as the cakes would rise a little during the bakes, making them look like the circular or egg shape. Unlike the original Ondeh Ondeh, this sponge cake version is light and fluffy and there's not much compromise in taste. My husband said that it tasted almost like the real stuff. And we couldn't stop popping one after another into our mouths. Shhhh.....actually.......i like the simpler version better....I prefer them without the cream and grated coconut!

Cake Ingredients (I made 32 pieces with my egg shape mould) :
  • 6 eggs (I used 65 gm eggs)
  • 80 ml Huiji honey
  • 6 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp pandan essence
  • 1/2 tsp pandan flavouring (optional)

Filling Ingredient :
  • 80 gm gula melaka (you would not use them all, subject to your preference)(cut to small pieces)

Method :
  1.      Sieve cake flour. 
  2.      Grease mould(s).
  3.      Pre-heat oven to 160C. 
  4.      Separate egg yolks and whites.
  5.      Mix egg yolks with honey, pandan essence and pandan flavouring till light and foamy.
  6.      Separately, beat egg whites till stiff peak.
  7.      Combine egg whites onto egg yolks mixture in 3 batches. Gently fold till even.
  8.      Spoon batter into greased moulds.
  9.      Insert a small piece/cube of gula melaka into each portion. 
  10.      Send each batch to bake in oven at 160C for 10 minutes. 
  11.      Adjust oven temperature in accordance to mould size. Lower temperature for smaller moulds.
  12.      Remove from oven when cakes are fully cooked. 
  13.      Leave to cool on cooling rack before dislodge from moulds.
  14.      Meanwhile, prepare whipped cream and fresh grated coconut for frosting and coating.

Cream Ingredients :
  • 100 ml fresh cream
  • 1 tbsp Huiji honey

Other Ingredients :
  • 200 gm fresh grated coconut

Assembly Method :
  1.     Combine fresh cream with honey and whip till stiff peak form with mixer.
  2.     Chill cream in refrigerator for 30 minutes before use.
  3.     When cream is chilled and cakes are cooled, coat cakes on all sides with cream.
  4.     Sprinkle grated coconut on frosted cakes. Grated coconuts will stick on with cream.
  5.     Chill final cakes in refrigerator for 15 minutes before serve.

(scroll to bottom of page, click on "Print" or "PDF" icon for printer friendly recipe)

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