Cheesy Fish Sticks & Rice Supper
I bet you have everything in your house to make these right now! Or maybe not. I always have fish sticks in the freezer. I like the cod ones. They are really handy to have on hand, even if all you are going to make is a fish finger butty.
I also keep packs of ready cooked rice in the cupboards, for those times when I need rice at the last minute. Sometimes I have the flavoured packs but mostly I just have plain and brown basamati. We also feed our dog rice (along with poached chicken and vegetables) every day. She loves it. And she thrives on it along with a multi-vitamin just for pooches.
But I digress . . . I also keep packs of frozen vegetables in the freezer. Usually green beans, broccoli and cauliflower, petit pois and then some mixed vegetables. They are the closest thing to fresh picked. I only buy fresh veg from the shops if I am going to cook them right on the day. They seem to always go off within a few days of me bringing them home. (Other than root vegetables, they seem to be alright.)
*Cheesy Fish Sticks and Rice Supper*
Serves 4 (I use two single serving pouches of mixed frozen steam vegetables with
carrots, broccoli and cauliflower in them, and it is just perfect. Cook them for 2 minutes first in the microwave)
Simple. Delicious. Quick. Easy and nutritious. Economical and family pleasing. You can't ask for better than that!
Bon Appetit!
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