The easiest Oven-free Chocolate tart

It's raining everyday, and it makes me want to sit down and read a book rather than doing anything else.

Esp. shooting a video, it's hard to make it beautiful in a weather like this, as I use only natural light. Anyway, I still live my life in the kitchen, ^^ having good time testing recipes and eating like always. 
Yesterday, I wanted to eat something chocolate, and luckily, the sun was shining, and yes, I rushed to the kitchen, and started making my tart (and shot the video, hooray).
This tart is the easiest chocolate tart that I'd ever done, haha. As you don't need to make the pastry, and the filling made by folding chocolate ganache and whipped cream together. For the base of the tart, you can use digestive, hobnob or butter cookies (or anything that you have on hand, ^^ let's imagine!), as long as you like it, it will be fine. The chocolate that you use is the main flavour of the tart, choose the percentage or the brand that you like, for me I use 57% dark chocolate as I don't want it to be too bitter, but you can use higher or lower percentage, it's your tart anyway.
So, let's get into the kitchen and making the easiest chocolate tart, I hope you will enjoy it too.

 The easiest Chocolate tart
Make 18 cm tart

150 g ...................... Digestive biscuits
50 g ........................ Unsalted butter, melted

125 g ...................... Dark chocolate
60 g ........................ Whipping cream (A)
100 g ...................... Whipping cream (B)
25 g ........................ Icing sugar

100 g ...................... Whipping cream
10 g ........................ Icing sugar
................................ Chocolate sauce

Have ready 18 cm tart pan (I use base removable pan).

  Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin.

 Mix the crushed biscuit with melted butter.

 Until fully mixed.

 Pour into the pan.
Press into the base and side of the pan.

 Refrigerate until ready to use.

 Pour whipping cream (A) and chocolate into a microwavable bowl.
Heat in microwave (600w) for 1.30-2 minutes.

 Remove from the microwave and stir until fully melted, let it cool before using.

 Whip the whipping cream (B) and icing sugar until ribbon stage.

 Fold 1/3 of the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture.

 Then, pour it back into whipped cream bowl.

 Fold to combine.

 Pour into the prepared pan.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or until set).

 Remove the tart from the pan.

 Whip the whipping cream with icing sugar until soft peaks formed.

 Spread the cream over the tart.

Decorate with chocolate sauce before serving.

The easiest Oven-free Chocolate tart

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