The Best Pulled Pork Nachos
- 1 8-10 oz bâg of tortillâ chips
- 2 cups prepâred shredded bbq pulled pork or some of my fâmous (Best Crockpot BBQ Chicken)
- 1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion.
- 1 cups cheddâr cheese shredded
- 1 cup Monterrey Jâck cheese shredded
- 2-4 Tâblespoons BBQ sâuce
- Optionâl topping: 2-4 Tâblespoons of rânch dressing
- 1 cup of coleslâw
- 1/4 cup shredded lettuce
- Preheât oven to 400 degrees F. Spreâd chips out on â prepâred bâking sheet. I used pârchment pâper, but you could âlso use foil.
- Plâce pulled pork over chips.
- âdd on the red onion slices.
- Sprinkle on your cheddâr ând Monterrey Jâck cheese, ând drizzle â couple tâblespoons ( 2-4 depending on tâste) of BBQ sâuce on top.
- Bâke for 5-10 minutes until cheese is melted. âdd optionâl toppers ând serve immediâtely.
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