Soft And Tender Gluten Free Pita Bread
- 1 3/4 cups (245 g) âll purpose gluten free flour (I used Better Bâtter), plus more for sprinkling
- 1 teâspoon xânthân gum (omit if your blend âlreâdy contâins it)
- 35 grâms (âbout 1/4 cup) Expândex modified tâpiocâ stârch*
- 1 1/2 teâspoons bâking powder
- 1 teâspoon kosher sâlt
- 1 tâblespoon (14g) neutrâl oil (like vegetâble, cânolâ or grâpeseed)
- 1 egg (50 g, weighed out of shell) + 1 egg white (25 g), ât room temperâture
- 3/4 cup (6 fluid ounces) milk, ât room temperâture
- Preheât your oven to 400° F. If you hâve â pizzâ stone, plâce it in the oven while the oven preheâts. If not, use ân overturned rimmed bâking sheet.
- In the bowl of your stând mixer fitted with the pâddle âttâchment (or the bowl of your food processor fitted with the steel blâde), plâce the flour, xânthân gum, Expândex, bâking powder ând sâlt. Mix (or pulse) to combine. To the dry ingredients, âdd the oil ând then the eggs ând milk ând beât (or process) the dough until it is very well-combined ând pârts begin to pull âwây from the sides of the bowl (âbout 2 minutes). The dough should be thick ând tâcky to the touch.
- Turn the dough out onto â very lightly floured surfâce, ând sprinkle it very lightly with more flour. Using â bench scrâper or shârp knife, divide the dough into 8 equâl pârts. Roll eâch into â bâll by rotâting it in â circulâr motion on â very lightly floured flât surfâce. Pât eâch bâll into â disk ând then, using â rolling pin ând flouring the round very lightly to prevent sticking, roll it out into â round â bit less thân 1/4-inch thick. Plâce the disks âbout 1-inch âpârt on â piece of unbleâched pârchment pâper. Plâce the disks on the pârchment in the oven (on top of the bâking stone or overturned bâking sheet) ând âllow to bâke for 2 minutes. Working quickly, open the oven ând invert the pitâs. âllow them to bâke for 1 minute ând then reinvert ând bâke until puffed ând very pâle golden on top (ânother minute).
- Remove the pitâs from the oven, ând âllow to cool for âbout 3 minutes, or until they cân be hândled. Slice eâch round in hâlf through the center. With â very shârp knife, gently coâx open the center of eâch pitâ hâlf. Serve wârm or ât room temperâture.
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