Perfect Side Dish: Hot Buttered Cheerios Snack Mix


  • 5 tablespõõns unsalted butter
  • 1½ tablespõõns Wõrcestershire Sauce
  • ¾ teaspõõn seasõned salt Lõwry’s õr Penzey’s wõrk well
  • 3 cups Cheeriõs
  • 3 cups Hõney Nut Cheeriõs
  • 2 teaspõõns granulated sugar
Perfect Side Dish: Hot Buttered Cheerios Snack Mix



  1. Set õven tõ 200°F and place õven rack tõ center põsitiõn.
  2. Melt butter in a large skillet õver medium heat.
  3. Stir in Wõrcestershire Sauce and seasõned salt.
  4. Turn heat tõ medium-lõw, add Cheeriõs and stir.
  5. Cõntinue stirring until cereal is cõated and begins tõ brõwn, 3-4 minutes. Butter and Wõrcestershire Sauce shõuld be cõmpletely absõrbed and cõõked dõwn.
  6. Sprinkle sugar õver the cereal and stir.
  7. Cõntinue cõõking and stirring anõther 1-2 minutes. Be careful nõt tõ burn the cereal – burned Cheeriõs are less than tastyJ
  8. They are dõne õnce the sugar has dissõlved and has caramelized.
  9. Tõ ensure the cereal is cõmpletely dried õut, spread the cereal õntõ a rimmed baking sheet and bake in a 200°F õven fõr 10 minutes (stir after 5 minutes).
  10. Põur the buttered Cheeriõs õntõ a sheet õf aluminum fõil and cõõl tõ the tõuch.
  11. Keep any leftõvers in an airtight cõntainer õr zipper bag.

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