Cute Bear Chocolate Bread 小熊造型可可软面包

Revisiting an old chocolate bread recipe that I previously made back in December 2014 during Christmas season that I shaped the bread into small Rudolph bun. This time, I made cute little bear buns. Guess which one is my boy's favourite bear? usual, the odd one out! :D 


Ingredients: 材料


220g *Bread Flour 高筋面粉 220克

40g *Cake Flour 低筋面粉 40克

*I use Blue Jacket Unbleached Flour.

10g Cocoa Powder 可可粉 10克

1 tsp Instant Yeast 即溶酵母 1小匙

70g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 70克

Pinch of Salt 盐 少许


180ml Fresh Milk 鲜奶 180毫升

30g Unsalted Butter 牛油 30克

(C)-Optional - Fillings 馅料

Hazelnut Chocolate Spread 巧克力酱

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1. In a mixer bowl, mix (A) ingredients. Make a well, add in (B) except butter. 

2. Mix all ingredients. When all ingredients come together, knead in butter. Continue kneading until the dough passes the membrane test.

3. Cover with cling wrap and let it proof doubled in size. About an hour.

4. Deflate and divide dough. Let it rest for 15 minutes. Add fillings and shape as desired. Sprinkle some water and let it proof about 1 hour. 

5. Bake in a preheated oven 170'C for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let it cool on the rack. When it's completely cooled, decorate with melted chocolate.

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