Coffee Rolls Made With Pizza Dough

C O F F E E   R O L L S 

Coffee Rolls

Coffee Rolls

Coffee Rolls


Coffee Rolls

Coffee Rolls
Pizza  Dough Recipe 


1 package dry yeast
4 cups flour
Olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
2 cups Tomato Sauce 
2 cups grated Cheddar cheese
2 teaspoons oregano, crumbled


1.                  Dissolve the yeast in ⅓ cup warm water.

2.                  Add the flour.

3.                  2 tablespoons oil.

4.                  1 cup warm water, and the salt.

5.                  Mix together.

6.                  Knead for 10 minutes.

7.                  Place in an oiled bowl to rise, covered with plastic wrap.

8.                  When the dough has doubled in bulk, about 2 hours, punch it down and divide in two.

9.                  Let rest 5 minutes.

10.              Preheat oven to 400°.

11.              Roll the dough with a rolling pin or stretch it over your fists until you have two 12 inch circles.

12.              Place on pizza pans or cookie sheets and prick all over.  On each circle, spoon 1 cup tomato sauce; sprinkle  with 1 cup mozzarella and 1 teaspoon oregano.  Drizzle with about 1 tablespoon olive oil. 

13.           Let rest another 10 minutes and then bake for 25 minutes,  until lightly brown.

14.           Cut into wedges and serve hot. 

Filling And Icing For Coffee Rolls

¼ cup melted butter
¼ cup brown sugar
⅓ cup chopped nuts (optional)
⅓ cup raisins (optional)
½ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg

¼ cup icing sugar
1 tablespoon milk
¼ teaspoon almond extract

1.              Roll out dough 9” x 16” rectangle.
2.              Brush with melted butter.
3.              Sprinkle with filling mixture.
4.              Roll up like jelly roll at longer side.
5.              Seal edges firmly.
6.              Damp and seal these ends carefully.
7.              Cut or slice about ½ inch to 1 inch and place in baking dish or pan.
8.              Cover and let rise.  Bake in a 375° oven for 25 minutes.
9.              Cover with icing sugar.

Coffee Rolls were prepared and baked by ShirleyAnn Pearman

Photography by ShirleyAnn Pearman

For all photos on Coffee Rolls, please click on the photos to this post here at Facebook.

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