Bread roll ~ with potato fillings

This snack always reminds me of Leela teacher, my school teacher as well as a family friend. I have never had this snack other than made by her. When ever she would host a treat for us, this would be one of the items in the menu and that would make me soooo happy :).

I have seen her make it then. Even though I was not a big fan of cooking, I had a vague memory of the process. Being a novice to cooking in the early days of married life, this used to be one of the tea time snacks that I used to make often and feel proud of myself :). 

But this snack was long forgotten in the journey of cooking and trying new things. The other day, we had some left over bread and I had placed it in the refrigerator. I always try making bread pudding out of it, to utilize the remaining bread pieces, rather than wasting them. This time around, I thought of making the bread roll recipe to refresh our memories. 

This recipe was also one of the earliest ones to get into the drafts and long forgotten about. Whenever I thought of publishing it, the pictures made me think otherwise and to rework on them before I do so. So the last time I made, I captured them and before it gets down deep into the draft, I thought of publishing it :). 


  1. 1 large potato
  2. 1/2 cup of green peas
  3. 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder
  4. 1/2 tbsp of chopped ginger
  5. 1 tbsp of chopped onion
  6. 1 tbsp of chopped green chilly
  7. 1 tbsp of chopped coriander leaves
  8. Salt to taste
  9. 6-7 slices of bread
  10. Oil for deep frying

For the filling
  • Boil the potato and mash it.
  • In a skillet, heat 2 tbsp of oil. Once hot, drop in the onion, ginger, green chilly, turmeric powder and coriander leaves and saute it. 
  • Add the mashed potatoes and green peas and cook it for about 10 mins.
For the bread roll
  • Slice off the hard ends of the bread slices.
  • Take some water in a bowl. Dip one side of the bread slice in water. Keep it in between your palms and squeeze out the water.
  • Place 1 tbsp of potato filling in it. Roll and form oval shaped rolls out of it.
  • Heat the oil in a deep bottom pan. Once hot, drop in the rolls. Fry it till all its sides get golden brown in colour.
  • Serve it hot with tomato ketchup.
  1. Do not dip the entire bread in water, but just enough for one side to get wet. 
  2. Not squeezing out the water out of bread completely, would lead to the rolls absorbing more oil.
  3. You could keep the sliced off ends of the bread to make bread crumbs out of it.

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