Asparagus amd basil quiche (Quiche de esparragos y albahaca)

I am glad finally publishing a new recipe.
I'm going through a period in which it's hard for me to finish things, I cook, I bake, I do many things but sometimes I find it hard to do a post. I am very sincere, I have always been.

But I'm happy to do it now. This quiche of asparagus and basil I loved, Well I have always loved the quiches. It is fast and the dough delicious..

In the Northern hemisphere are with the fullness of the asparagus and basil, wonderful.
Here still I have basil and I found asparagus but you can also be made with canned asparagus.
With the water of the asparagus we made a soup (my mother's recipe) but I give it to them another day because I do'n  take any picture.

Thanks for reading and being here!

Source : Ensaladas y Tartas  (Salads and tarts)



250 grams all purpose flour 
100 grams butter
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
cold water the necessary to make a dough ball

To the filling

15 or 18 asparagus
250  grams half and half cream 
4 eggs
 60 grams parmesan cheese grated
salt and pepper
1/2 cup of basil leaves


On a floured table, combine all purpose flour with the butter and then add the egg , join well and gradually add cold water until a dough ball forms.

Let rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then remove it and cover in a  buttered and floured mold. An elongated or round mold can be used.

To prepare the asparagus :

 Clean and scrape them with a knife at the base, cut them the same size and cook  in water with a little salt during a 1/2 hour. Drain and dry them with a paper napkin.

Preheat oven to 180°C (350° F)

For the cream of the quiche, mix the  half and half cream with the eggs one by one beating after each incorporation. Add the grated cheese and mix well.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Distribute the asparagus already cooked in the bottom of the dough on the tart and pour the cream prepared previously.
Bring to oven for 30 minutes or until  set and golden brown.
Leave to cool in the mold, and then remove from the tin.
Scatter over  leaves basil and serve in slices.

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En español

Quiche de esparragos y albahaca

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