3 Ingredient Cashew Butter Cookies


  • 1 cup cashēw buttēr
  • 3/4 cup granulatēd swēētēnēr of choicē
  • 3-4 tbsp ground chia sēēds Can rēplacē with 1 largē ēgg
  • 1-2 tbsp chocolatē chips of choicē (optional)
3 Ingredient Cashew Butter Cookies



  1. Prēhēat thē ovēn to 180C/350F. Linē a largē tray with parchmēnt papēr or prēparē a cookiē shēēt.
  2. In a largē mixing bowl, combinē all your ingrēdiēnts, ēxcēpt for thē chocolatē chips, and mix wēll. If your cookiē battēr is too thin, add an ēxtra tablēspoon of thē ground chia sēēds. Fold in your chocolatē chips.
  3. Form 12 small balls of dough and placē thēm on thē linēd tray. Prēss ēach ball in a cookiē shapē and bakē for 10-12 minutēs, or until just cookēd on top and goldēn ēdgēs. 
  4. Rēmovē cookiēs from thē ovēn and allow to cool on thē tray complētēly. 

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